While we focus on the season between expecting and school-age, all are welcome. Orthodox Moms & Littles compliments the Orthodox Dads group. There is no membership fee and you can join us as your schedule allows. We understand how busy this season is, so events and locations will vary to maximize participation.
Sunday, September
15- 12-5pm
KBK Garden Center Harvest Party in Saline. This is a super fun and free family event. Exotic animals, crafts, and more. Feel free to post in the FB group if and when you plan to go to meet up with others.
Thursday, September 26
Moms Trail Walk Meet-Up. Bring your stroller and snacks. Let’s get a good hour-long walk! There’s also a drop-in preschool storytime at the library at 11am if that interests your family (short walk from where we are meeting up). Trail location in email. Please let Maroulla know if you plan to come so that we know to wait for you.
Saturday, October 5
Retreat in Troy. Moms and Dads encouraged, infants welcome.
Friday, October 11
Family meet-up at park in Saline - Come and go as you like. Location in email. Dallases will bring pizza. Bring your own drinks. Let Maroulla know if you are coming.
Friday, October 12
Cozy Fall Moms Brunch at Ioana's House (Canton) - Come for brunch and fellowship! Infants are welcome. No need to bring anything; we'll have a variety of breakfast and lunch things! RSVP to Ioana by October 9 if you are joining and let her know of any food allergies.
Friday, October 25
Harvest Party at church for all ages, hosted by Orthoblaze. Details TBA.
Sunday, November 3
Orthodox Moms and Dads host fellowship hour. This is also a HOPE/JOY Sunday. Sign up coming soon.
Thursday, November 21
Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - Divine Liturgy at 10am then potluck lunch and activity to follow at church. Let Maroulla know if you are coming.
Saturday, December 7
Saline Parade Meet-Up. Meet up at 5pm in front of Harry’s Auto Service.
Moms Favorite Things Party, date and info TBA
December 21
10am - 1pm
Mom's Christmas Brunch at Liz's House (Saline). Bring a) Breakfast or lunch side dish AND b) Wrapped $5 white elephant gift. Infants are welcome. Email Liz by December 18 to let her know if you are joining us!
For more information about any of our events, please email Maroulla below.
15- 12-5pm
KBK Garden Center Harvest Party in Saline. This is a super fun and free family event. Exotic animals, crafts, and more. Feel free to post in the FB group if and when you plan to go to meet up with others.
Thursday, September 26
Moms Trail Walk Meet-Up. Bring your stroller and snacks. Let’s get a good hour-long walk! There’s also a drop-in preschool storytime at the library at 11am if that interests your family (short walk from where we are meeting up). Trail location in email. Please let Maroulla know if you plan to come so that we know to wait for you.
Saturday, October 5
Retreat in Troy. Moms and Dads encouraged, infants welcome.
Friday, October 11
Family meet-up at park in Saline - Come and go as you like. Location in email. Dallases will bring pizza. Bring your own drinks. Let Maroulla know if you are coming.
Friday, October 12
Cozy Fall Moms Brunch at Ioana's House (Canton) - Come for brunch and fellowship! Infants are welcome. No need to bring anything; we'll have a variety of breakfast and lunch things! RSVP to Ioana by October 9 if you are joining and let her know of any food allergies.
Friday, October 25
Harvest Party at church for all ages, hosted by Orthoblaze. Details TBA.
Sunday, November 3
Orthodox Moms and Dads host fellowship hour. This is also a HOPE/JOY Sunday. Sign up coming soon.
Thursday, November 21
Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - Divine Liturgy at 10am then potluck lunch and activity to follow at church. Let Maroulla know if you are coming.
Saturday, December 7
Saline Parade Meet-Up. Meet up at 5pm in front of Harry’s Auto Service.
Moms Favorite Things Party, date and info TBA
December 21
10am - 1pm
Mom's Christmas Brunch at Liz's House (Saline). Bring a) Breakfast or lunch side dish AND b) Wrapped $5 white elephant gift. Infants are welcome. Email Liz by December 18 to let her know if you are joining us!
For more information about any of our events, please email Maroulla below.
© 2024
Church Address
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 332-8200
Fax: (734) 332-8201
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Church Address
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 332-8200
Fax: (734) 332-8201
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48106