Formerly known as Young Adult League (Y.A.L.)
The mission of this ministry is to cultivate and educate our young adults, leading all persons to the fullness of the Faith and Likeness of God, through the example of its patron saint, Saint Stephen the Protomartyr.
Consequently, young adults must be integrated into the active life of the Orthodox Church on all levels; Parish, Diocesan, and Archdiocesan; dedicated to serving the Church, it's missions and ministries.
A successful Young Adult Ministry creates a setting where young adults grow spiritually through experiencing and living four important virtues. Using these virtues, we will live a balanced Orthodox Christian life, growing in Christ's likeness.
The four virtues that provide and promote opportunities to grow are the following:
Consequently, young adults must be integrated into the active life of the Orthodox Church on all levels; Parish, Diocesan, and Archdiocesan; dedicated to serving the Church, it's missions and ministries.
A successful Young Adult Ministry creates a setting where young adults grow spiritually through experiencing and living four important virtues. Using these virtues, we will live a balanced Orthodox Christian life, growing in Christ's likeness.
The four virtues that provide and promote opportunities to grow are the following:
- Liturgia (Worship) - Participation in the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Sacraments and other Worship services is a key part of ministry-sponsored events and activities. Worship services: Orthros, Vespers, Agiasmos, Divine Liturgy, Confession and other prayer services. Young adults can participate in: Epistle reading; sermonettes; choir; etc...
- Martyria (Witness) - Through retreat discussions, conference workshops, and service activities, young adults are encouraged to be a Witness of our faith -- growing deeper in understanding and more committed in practice.
Workshops: Topical discussions concerned with social/moral issues; Hellenic College; LOGOS; missions; other Archdiocesan institutions. Sharing the faith and encourage development of G.O.Y.A.L. groups. - Diaconia (Service) - Service projects, whether on a national, regional or local level, provide opportunities for us to follow Christ's example of loving our neighbor. Projects: Community Outreach; Holy Cross mission workshops; mission canisters; etc...
- Koinonia (Fellowship) - A central focus of all young adult activities is Fellowship with other Orthodox Christians. Hospitality along with events providing an informal atmosphere.
Patron Saint
Saint Stephen the Martyr
O, First Martyr and Apostle of Christ, you fought the good fight. You exposed the perversion of the persecutors, for when you were killed by stoning of the hands of the wicked men, you received a crown from the Right Hand on high. (Troparion of St. Stephen)
Saint Stephen is the patron saint of the Young Adult Ministry. His total commitment to Jesus Christ shines as an example guiding the ministry. St. Stephen was one of the first Deacons ordained in the Church. He actively preached the Gospel of Christ in Jerusalem where he was criticized and persecuted by many Jewish leaders.
At a young age, Stephen was chased outside the walls of Jerusalem and was stoned to death. As his persecutors stoned him, he prayed, “Lord do not charge them with this crime,” and he took his last breath. Stephen is an example to be followed - an important witness from an age when many Orthodox Christians died for their faith.
The witness of Stephen and other martyrs is a challenge which all of us are called to meet. He is commemorated on December 27. More can be learned about St. Stephen by reading the Book of Acts, Chapters 6 and 7.
Saint Stephen is the patron saint of the Young Adult Ministry. His total commitment to Jesus Christ shines as an example guiding the ministry. St. Stephen was one of the first Deacons ordained in the Church. He actively preached the Gospel of Christ in Jerusalem where he was criticized and persecuted by many Jewish leaders.
At a young age, Stephen was chased outside the walls of Jerusalem and was stoned to death. As his persecutors stoned him, he prayed, “Lord do not charge them with this crime,” and he took his last breath. Stephen is an example to be followed - an important witness from an age when many Orthodox Christians died for their faith.
The witness of Stephen and other martyrs is a challenge which all of us are called to meet. He is commemorated on December 27. More can be learned about St. Stephen by reading the Book of Acts, Chapters 6 and 7.
Prayer of the Young Adults
Lord, as we struggle for meaning and purpose in life, guide us with Your helping hand. Teach us to be aware of God’s abiding love, and stir our concern for our fellow man. We commit to You our lives in the spirit of dedication and obedience so that we may be spiritually renewed through the teaching of our Faith and the guidance of the Greek Orthodox Church. For you are the God that loves mankind and to you we ascribe glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen.