By Fr. Nick Kotsis - I watched my fair share of Westerns when I was a kid. The plots were all pretty much the same. The only difference seemed to be that some cowboys sang (and never seemed to get dirty) and the cool ones didn’t sing (and always looked like a haggard mess). But I always liked the look of the towns, the saloons with the swinging doors, the general store (which always had everything the cowpokes needed), the guy whittling on the porch in a rocking chair, the look on people’s faces as the newcomer entered the tavern, the dusty streets, the Stetsons, the six-shooters, the tumbleweeds, etc. But I knew this was only Hollywood. There was no way real life could ever have been like that.
By Fr. Nick Kotsis - In 1990, our family went on a trip, by car, to California. Both of my parents have relatives in southern California, and they decided for us to see the country on this particular trip out to Los Angeles. I think for all of us, that was the greatest trip we ever took.
From Fr. Nick Kotsis - "Today is hung upon the Cross He Who suspended the earth upon the waters." Today we remember Jesus being nailed to the Cross. His sacrifice was done once and for all. But in some ways, His crucifixions continue. From Fr. Nick Kotsis - Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving and Undivided Trinity, always now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
From Fr. Nick Kotsis - We just participated in the first Bridegroom Service of Holy Week. The service tonight is really the Orthros for Holy Monday (remember, during Holy Week, the services are “switched” to show anticipation for the next day – the Orthros services are in the evening, and the Vespers services are in the morning).
From Fr. Nick Kotsis - My mother’s sister and her three children would come up to visit the family from San Antonio, Texas every summer. Each of our three cousins matched us in age. Since they would spend nearly the whole summer up here, we grew particularly close to them, and we still are. We couldn’t wait until school was over because we knew that our cousins were just days away from coming up.
From Fr. Nick Kotsis - May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guide us, protect us, and heal us. May He drive away all fear from our hearts and strengthen us with confidence in our faith in Him.
Part of today’s Old Testament reading comes from the Prophecy of Isaiah (9b-11): By Fr. Nick Kotsis - Many of you know that I grew up at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Sterling Heights. Fr. Nicholas Kyritses was the first, and still only, priest the parish has ever known. And in throughout the 1980’s, soccer was sport to play.
By Fr. Nick Kotsis - One of my fondest memories of growing up takes me to the porch at my parents’ house. When we lived in Fraser, the porch was outdoors and had an awning. So, in the late spring, summer and early fall, I would love to go outside and sit on my dad’s lap. I remember him talking to me about the moon and its phases, about the fireflies that we would try to count, and about the different noises we would hear in the backyard.
AuthorsMessages written by the clergy of our parish. Archives
May 2021
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Church Address
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 332-8200
Fax: (734) 332-8201
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Church Address
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 332-8200
Fax: (734) 332-8201
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48106