What is the St. Nicholas Infrastructure and Parking Lot Proposal?
New construction for St. Nicholas was completed in 2003. In the first decade following the completion of the church there was little need for updates to the buildings and grounds. As the buildings and grounds have aged, our infrastructure has started to show the effects of weather and normal wear and tear and needs significant repair or replacement. As all of you know, the parking lot is one item that is in significant need of replacement. It is at a state where it is becoming unsafe in supporting the normal operations of the church. Last summer the Parish Council contracted Washtenaw Engineering to study the existing parking lot and prepare plans for its replacement. In addition to the parking lot, their study uncovered other significant problems in need of repair and are included as part of this proposal. What does the Infrastructure and Parking Lot proposal consist of? This is best answered by addressing the different areas of the proposal separately. Removal and replacement of the asphalt parking lot. As you may know, the natural gradient of the church property results in water draining from Scio-Church Road underneath our parking lot and out the back of our property to the south. This gradient caused a significant issue when the existing parking lot was being laid and has been one of the causes for the deterioration of the parking lot. Work was done a few years back to put drain tiles underneath small portions of the parking lot to remedy the situation. However, the only way to eliminate the issue is to regrade the subsurface of the parking lot and put appropriate substrate material underneath. This work would be done as part of the replacement of the asphalt. Replacement of storm water piping. The study also showed that the piping associated with storm water management on the east side of the property had collapsed. This piping runs from the parking lot and terminates near the retention pond. Also, piping underneath the parking lot near the front of the church was blocked and isn’t allowing for appropriate drainage of storm water. To repair this, the proposed work will replace the storm water manhole brick chimneys and associated piping. Concrete Curbs, concrete walkways, and Gutters. Most all the concrete curbs and gutters need repair and some of the existing sidewalks. In some cases, the original concrete work didn’t have the depth to create the correct mating of the asphalt to the concrete and that resulted in the deterioration of the concrete. Lighting. A lighting analysis discovered several issues that need to be addressed. There are two areas in the parking lot that need better illumination. One is on the west side of the main parking area where a large swath of the parking lot is not sufficiently illuminated. The other is near the east entrance of the parking lot. It needs an additional light pole to properly illuminate the entrance into the east side of the parking lot. The proposal includes changing the existing lightbulbs to LEDs and replacing the receptacles in each of the existing light poles to accommodate the LED lights. This will significantly improve the illumination of the parking lot and remedy the dark zone on the west side of the parking lot. It will also reduce our electric power consumption as the LED lights are more efficient. The proposal also includes adding a light pole in the Northeast area of the parking lot so that the entrance into the parking lot is better illuminated. Additional piping runs for electricity and water. Additional piping will be run in different parts of the parking lot for electricity and water in anticipation of periodic needs such as electricity and water for the Festival and maintenance/upkeep of the parking lot. These piping runs will be laid once the existing parking lot is removed, and the revised grading is completed. Tent Tie Downs. Erecting the tents used for the Ya’ssoo Greek Festival causes significant damage to the parking lot. Large spikes are driven into the parking lot to serve as anchors for ropes that are tied to them and then run to the top of the tent poles when securing the tents. To reduce the damage incurred when erecting tents on the new parking lot the proposal also includes installing 100 permanent anchors that are recessed into the parking lot and covered when not in use. When a large tent is to be erected on the parking lot these anchors will be uncovered and ropes will be tied to each and then run to the top of each tent pole to secure the tent(s). What is the status of the proposed work? A Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent to 14 potential bidders to perform the work. Three companies responded to the RFP. The total bid of each proposer was very similar in price. We selected the lowest bidder and went back to them a couple of times with suggestions for lowering the price. These suggestions reduced the bid by $282,757. The final bid that included a 5% contingency and a Washtenaw Engineering fee came to $1,111,573. When will the work be done? The proposal has firm dates that stipulate work will begin the day after the festival and be completed no later than 31 July 2024. Why is the cost so high? Inflation and the need to repair other infrastructure! The cost of asphalt and other building materials has risen astronomically. The asphalt alone has risen from a cost of $250,000 in 2020 when we last explored replacing the parking lot to $615,000 today. The electrical costs are about $83,500. The work on the sidewalks and curbs cost about $68,000. What remediation might be done to bring the cost down? Hauling away the existing asphalt surface material that is removed is very expensive. We are exploring the reclamation of the existing asphalt and using it as under pavement for a temporary parking lot on the new property that is west of the existing parking lot. The material will be milled and distributed and then topsoil will be spread over it. The temporary parking will be used as overflow during highly attended events. Please reach out with any questions or concerns you may wish to share with me. I can be reached at [email protected]. |
March 2024
Church Address
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 332-8200
Fax: (734) 332-8201
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
P.O. Box 1033
Ann Arbor, MI 48106